OOOH! We're a FAMILY now!
The origin story:
Elizabeth has been a life-long baker and cook. Anyone who knows her well would confirm that food is her love language. Despite being an Aerospace Executive for much of her career, she always incorporated delectable treats into the Aerospace environment. (You can find out more about her story in her TedX Talk on The Power of Joy here )
She previously owned a baking company in the Phoenix area that was an editor's pick for "Best of the Valley" by Phoenix Magazine! The inspiration for Oooh So Good products came from one of the favorite products of that company, "Daddy's Nut Brittle". It was sold in multiple retail locations as well as being a top seller online. One day, she decided to experiment with the "juice" from the Nut Brittle and toss it onto popcorn...with amazing results!
We believe that great food can transport us to a "happy place" and that sweets are a highly appreciated gift and special treat. Americans consume 17 BILLION quarts of popcorn a year so it's highly likely to be a hit! Whether you are treating yourself, a business client or a loved one, our premium gourmet popcorns and nut brittle are created with love and completely natural ingredients for the discerning foodie! If you are going to be "bad", it can still be "Oooh So Good"! ;-)
If we can help you with anything, please contact me using the email: We look forward to hearing from you!
PS: Elizabeth was honored to be a contributing author to a best selling book titled "Wisdom of the Silver Sisters, Guiding Grace". If you need a dose of inspiration, there are 46 short stories from courageous women of all ages.